Eeeeeuuhh . . . Frankly the combination of this(dazzling) title and your stylish outfit is . . . Delightfuly "eye-catching" : Pfffff . . . You WONDERFULLY wears Denim Short Shorts !!!!!! "Casual SEXYness" . . . Especially with such Aldo Peep-toe Heels, as mischievous as Arrogant : a "Fetish-issime" vibe . . .
You are all so thoughtful and truely keep me motivated and inspired! THANK YOU!
annabananna: OMG totally LOVED it too!!!
wendy: You should get them! They are TOO comfy and cute to pass up :)
rohit: Sure! I've added you :)
r: AW thanks! I love so cali because of it :)
stilettostetico: Oh so THANK YOU!
saray: LOVEs it!
Siljesfashion: We could then discuss details of how much we love it then!!! :)
Inspire Me Today: Thanks! Its actually from F21 I believe. Circa 2004???
jen: I scored it at F21 and was sketchy, but decided I loved the oldies pattern of it too much to pass :) Don't worry I know you'll find one! CVS or Walgreens has some really nice ones for under $10.
your hat is great! have fun watching the movie, saw it on wednesday and loved it!
I so want those Aldo heels!
you are fantastic!!!
a kiss for you, my dear friend!
god bless u dear
can we exchange our link
r u ready to do?
você é fantástico!
um beijo para você, meu caro amigo!
Deus te abençoe u Caro
podemos trocar os nossos link
r u disposta a fazer?
Love the top, and as always Im jealous of your nice weather =( !!
Eeeeeuuhh . . . Frankly the combination of this(dazzling) title and your stylish outfit is . . . Delightfuly "eye-catching" : Pfffff . . . You WONDERFULLY wears Denim Short Shorts !!!!!! "Casual SEXYness" . . . Especially with such Aldo Peep-toe Heels, as mischievous as Arrogant : a "Fetish-issime" vibe . . .
Bien à Toi, Antoine
Great outfit!
and enjoy - that movie is fab!!
You look great, love the cut offs and the heels. Have a great time, only 5 more days to go here in Oslo for the movie premiere!!!
love that studded bracelet
I'm still trying to find a good fedora that fits me well. Clearly you have found a great one for yourself!
you look amazing!!
You are all so thoughtful and truely keep me motivated and inspired! THANK YOU!
annabananna: OMG totally LOVED it too!!!
wendy: You should get them! They are TOO comfy and cute to pass up :)
rohit: Sure! I've added you :)
r: AW thanks! I love so cali because of it :)
stilettostetico: Oh so THANK YOU!
saray: LOVEs it!
Siljesfashion: We could then discuss details of how much we love it then!!! :)
Inspire Me Today: Thanks! Its actually from F21 I believe. Circa 2004???
jen: I scored it at F21 and was sketchy, but decided I loved the oldies pattern of it too much to pass :) Don't worry I know you'll find one! CVS or Walgreens has some really nice ones for under $10.
bear: Thanks LOVELY!
didnt u love the movie?
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