I've caved. Although a different color, it still falls under the spring theme I was going for. Now all I have to do is make a stop at the local American Apparel and see what other cravings I can fulfill. Of course this will have to be in the much later future...
Disneyland. Where a kid can run a muk, and an adult can be a kid! We visited the "happiest place on earth" this past weekend. The sister-in-law (plus her family), and the hubby and I took a long awaited trip to Disneryland. Rocked the gladiators during our trip. Recieved a bunch of looks, mainly on the positive side :) Didn't get a fully body photo, but here are some from our fun-filled trip.
omg love the gladiators with the tube dress
Mej: Thank you! Its actually a romper (photo doesn't do it justice) :) Love your blog by the way!
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