Skirt, F21. Shirt, Target. Boots, M by MJ. Sunnies, Bitten. Blazer, Ralph Lauren

Dress work as skirt, F21. Shirt, H&M. Shoes, Jeffrey Campbell.
More photo ops to come with the hubby this labor day weekend. I've also been coveting body chains from the A. Wang fall show by the lovely Wasson. I'm on a hunt to re-create it for you all lovelies. Happy Labor Day!!!
sweeeeeeet photoshooot :) your blazer is so cute. and love the jeffrey campbells.
Very nice photoshoot! That blazer is great, the ideal one:-)
love the photoshoot...i especially loveeee the blazer
cool pics. great blazer
Fantastic and I do love this cool blazer!!!
a kiss!!!
Thank you! The hubby thanks you all as well. He's growing great interest in photography :)
Very cute photoshoot, I lovee the blazer, with the nice simple skirt. And such a cute puppy! omg I want to steal him. What kind is he?
I used to have the same blazer and had to sell it due to ill oversized fitting
why does it look so good on EVERYONE else?
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